How To Problem Solve

Problem solving is an essential part of life.

Around every corner is a minor incident or catastrophe just waiting to be remedied.

It takes great skill and aptitude to be able to fix some things quickly or have the knowledge to know when to take your time to think things through clearly.

Like most things in life you would think that this takes years of practice and only the wisdom that climbing the years of age brings.

Today that notion has been knocked out of my head.

A bumper harvest of pears this year from my neighbor’s tree has found me scrambling to make use of all of these golden green beauties. This week I found myself making several batches of fruit roll-ups or “fruit leather” as my dehydrator dubs them. I patted myself on the back for whipping up a delicious, healthy snack for the kids and have been doling them out generously.

Today my 3 year old son, Cesar, clutched his pear fruit roll-up in his hand and sauntered my way. He slightly cocked his head to the side, scrunched up his nose in a twitchy rabbit kind of way, put a pleasant smirk on his face and said, “I tink they have mossmallows at the grocery shopping. I tink they do.

In other words, the kid is already sick of these stupid fruit leathers and could I possibly just go buy him some soft, pillowy marshmallows.

And this folks is called problem solving at it’s highest form. A sweet purr to your voice, a cute look on your face and a bunch of words wrong and mispronounced.

Marshmallows was added to the grocery list.

Cesar wants some marshmallows

Cesar wants some marshmallows

16 responses

    • Cesar is no Slacker … He is truly a genius at problem solving …. Don’t ask Mom for a different snack ….. but, instead turn on all the cuteness you can muster and tell her exactly where the ” GOOD STUFF IS AVAIABLE ” !!! Love it !!

  1. Awesome!! Problem solving skills are essential to critical thinking…and rarely taught. You caught a whole bunch of “teachable minutes” here…way to go, Mom! Please see some ideas for what to Show, Ask, & Teach kids at the car wash, fast-food drive-up, and pet shop on You Tube: Dr. Connie Hebert. Had a ball making those and hundreds more to come. Keep up the great job…teaching problem solving skills helps to build comprehension. Woohoo!

  2. Sweet! Pun intended. I think both the fruit leather and the marshmallows sound good! I’m not sure anyone in my family likes pears besides me, though. I like the way Cesar took control of the situation in such a cute way…I’ve seen that under my own nose, too. I’ve been way out of touch with the blogging world, but I still think about reading/writing often! Blessings–Alison

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