The Memory of the Lost Ice Cream Cone

Today as our family headed to a local amusement park in Green Bay, WI called Bay Beach we passed a McDonald’s. Bency, our 5 year old son asked, “Is that the McDonald’s I dropped my ice cream cone in the fountain at or the one that I puked all over the table at?” The answer was “no” on both accounts but it really got me thinking.

Here we are headed out for a day of incredible fun…Ferris wheel, Scrambler, Merry-Go-Round, live pony rides, bumper cars, big slide….and my son is bringing up some of the worst memories of his childhood.

When he was 2 we went to McDonald’s for an ice cream cone. It was a nice evening so we sat outside on the patio where there is seating and a…fountain. Of course being 2 he was mesmerized by the fountain; went over to inspect it and within 30 seconds had dropped his entire ice cream cone in. He let out a blood-curdling scream and tried diving in. We rescued him and much to his dismay could not rescue his cone. My husband gave Bency his ice cream cone and we calmed the boy down but he still continued to look longingly at the cone in the fountain. I realize now we have never gone back to that McDonald’s for an evening of ice cream by the fountain.

When Bency was four I had six year old Iris and an infant. Outings by myself without the accompaniment of my husband to help were not my idea of fun so we rarely went out. However, one brave day I took all the kids to Mc Donald’s. Everything was going so well. We were all talking and laughing and the baby was content and happy. All of a sudden Bency got a weird look on his face and without further warning puked all over the entire table and our food. Iris, who was sitting next to him starting screaming at the top of her lungs, “Bency puked! Bency puked!! Get me away from him! He stinks!!” The rest of the event is kind of a blur because I was in such shock. I know I cleaned it up the best I could, cleaned him up the best I could and got out of there as fast as I could. I realize now we have never gone back to that particular McDonald’s.

Today was a really wonderful day at Bay Beach. The kids had a complete blast! Nothing too traumatic happened. Afterwards, we ate lunch at a….McDONALD’s (we had never been to). No one puked. No one lost their food. Cesar, our almost 2 year old kept smiling and saying “Hi” to a little girl about his age sitting near us. When we arrived home I asked the kids what their favorite part of the day was. Iris and Bency were both in agreement on the big slide and Cesar said, “I saw a baby.”

Will they remember this day? Will it be a memory?


The Big Slide


The Ferris Wheel


The Lady Bugs