There’s History in Those Love Letters Part III

I have been sharing the love letters that my Grandpa wrote my Grandma back when they were courting back in 1936. Today you are getting the third installment seeing as though it’s Valentine’s Day and what better day to see some expressions of true love!

I have had some inquiries as to whether or not there is any letters that my Grandma wrote my Grandpa and I am sad to say there isn’t. We found these letters after my Grandma passed away and were tucked in a dresser drawer. No one knew they existed before this.

Grandma Charlotte

Grandma Charlotte

To catch you up to speed; my Grandma and Grandpa grew up on neighboring farm houses so they knew each other since they were children. My Grandma went away to a nearby town for her senior year of high school. My Grandpa stayed at the farm house and taught school at a one room school house nearby. Many of his students were related in some way. My Grandpa’s Mom passed away a few months before he wrote these letters and he is currently living with his Dad and little sister. In the following letter my Grandpa makes mention of a hired girl. They hired someone to live at the house to do the cooking, cleaning and taking care of my Grandpa’s little sister. My Grandpa also talks about Ruby and Arthur which is my Grandma’s sister and her husband. I imagine my Grandpa saw them more than my Grandma because they were still living in the neighboring farm house. Another person mentioned in the letter is Bob which is my Grandma’s little brother. I suppose my Grandpa had to pick him up and bring him to school sometimes.

Grandpa Ed

Grandpa Ed

Enjoy another sweet and funny love letter from my dear old Grandpa:

March 30, 1936

Dearest Charlotte,

Is I ever blue, and this terrible snowing doesn’t help my feelings any. It sure is a gloomy day, and these restless kids almost drive me nuts.

I sure was glad I came up Sunday night. I sure did enjoy myself. The show was good and being with you took care of the rest of my desires.

Ruby and Arthur was up to the show Sunday night. I guess they saw us. Anyway they asked me how I liked the show. They went up with Bill & Irene.

I was down after Bob this morning. Your mother didn’t seem to have much to say for some reason. I hope she doesn’t give me a bawling out. I get too many of those anyway.

This week is going to be better than last for I know you are coming home this weekend.

Our new hired girl was there this morning. Gee I hate to see Ruby and Art leave, but I know they are glad to get away.

I got a note from Mrs. Crumerine so I suppose I shall have to go over there after school is out.

I suppose you are tired of reading this letter for I know it is not interesting at all. I am in such a hurry. I have missed 5th and 6th grade spelling now.

Write soon,

Love Eddie

P.S.  nite 10 bells

I didn’t get anywhere to mail this tonight so probably I will mail it tomorrow. It sure is a lovely evening except just a little cold. I just went outside (don’t ask what for) and did that moon look at me. Made me feel sorta (rumatic) I guess so I thought I would express myself but just can’t do it. Words fail me.

Lester has been kidding me tonight about you, but I don’t care I like it. In fact I like everything about you. Don’t forget I love you, and I think you are the sweetest darn kid. I have got to stop!



To read the previous letters:

There’s History in Those Love Letters Part I

There’s History in Those Love Letters Part II

Page 1

Page 1

Page 2

Page 2

Page 3

Page 3



Getting Some Real Mail

My 7 year old daughter, Iris loves to write letters. She’s kept a steady correspondence with the Tooth Fairy over the past couple of years who exchange their letters through her tooth fairy pouch she keeps on her doorknob.

Her latest letter:

Letter to Tooth fairy

To Tooth Fairy,

My tooth fairy pouch broke, so I put it next to my bed. Can you ring the bells to wake me up (only on a school night) so we can think of things to fix my pouch?


P.S. Am I a fairy?

P.S.S. Did Jack Frost take all the snow animals?


Recently, Valerie over at Atlantamomofthree did a postcard exchange which I participated in because I knew my kids would love getting some “real” mail.

When we received our postcard, letters and some stickers the kids were so excited. They loved looking at the pictures on the postcard, they loved learning about another family and of course getting some fun stickers in the mail was an extra bonus.

Postcard from Valerie and her family

Postcard from Valerie and her family

My 5 year old son, Bency fell asleep last night clutching his sheets of stickers.

There is definitely something special about receiving something in your mailbox or I guess your tooth fairy pouch that just can’t be replaced with an email. You get to hold those pieces of paper containing the words that someone wrote especially for you. They gave you a piece of them that you will have forever.

Thank you Valerie and family!!


To read more letters to the Tooth Fairy that Iris has written read the following stories:

She Believes in Unicorns and Other Fancy Stuff

The Tooth Fairy is Involved in the Case of the Missing Library Book